About SUSinc

About SUSinc

SUSinc was founded by like-minded surfers on the plentiful Gold Coast of Australia to promote, educate and enjoy the ocean on surf craft with paddles. The club "SUSinc" meet once a month every month for a social/competitive surf event with judging and point-scoring to crown a club male and female at the end of each year. There will also be weekends away social surfing and camping to keep the stoke alive. We are affiliated and insured through Surfing Queensland and uphold the rules of Surfing Queensland at all times. SUSinc conducts educational/training programs throughout the calendar year covering topics of surf etiquette, beach safety, equipment, competition, and judging.

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GC 10 ft SUP Classic 2023 

20th to 21st May 2023

Gold Coast, QLD

Come join in on the only dedicated major 10 ft SUP surfing event in Australia!! Registrations Open Friday 10th February 2023